Mobarakeh Steel Complex; a Frontrunner in Self-Supply of Green Electricity
The demand for electricity in Iran is on a constant rise. With an increase in population, a rise in the number of buildings, the addition of household electrical appliances and a growth in global temperatures; the demand for electricity has surpassed its supply during the past decade. However, there are other issues which need to be addressed including; low efficiency in power plants, inefficient and old electrical transmission lines, lack of high-grade building insulation, electricity prices that cannot inject sufficient investment to the sector and the low rate of development in the renewable energy industry. The height of this imbalance is seen in the hot summer months where electricity repeatedly goes off in the factories. As a result, many of the manufacturing plants have incurred major financial damages; over $6 BLN in 2022-2023; and have repeatedly called for the government to come up with a long-term solution. Interestingly, electricity deficit for the current Iranian year has been estimated at 10,000 MW; a figure that will continually increase if the status quo continues.
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